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On the other hand, a Cursed Skill may add a point of Stress to the other member of the Relationship with each use, making it a less tempting prospect than before. A Skill with a Blessing may apply a Dodge buff to the other member of the Relationship, for example, incentivising its use more often. These effects can be hugely impactful, and may even be the difference between life and death in a heated battle. As mentioned above, these can be either positive, such as ‘Respectful’, or negative, such as ‘Envious.’ The effects of these Relationships are twofold: they add Blessings or Curses to Skills each Relationship member has, and they allow said members to act independently of your orders in combat, either to the benefit or hindrance of their Relationship partner, depending on its nature. Now that we’ve covered Affinity, let’s take a look at what it leads to: inter-character Relationships. Relationships have a range of different effects, some of which can be run-defining, but we’ll cover those later on in the guide. The more points away from 10 you go, the more likely it is that a Relationship will be formed between two characters, but chance does always have a part to play in the proceedings.

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The former can occur if their Affinity is over 10, and the latter can occur if their Affinity is under 10. After resting at an Inn, there’s a chance that two characters in your party will form a Relationship, either positive or negative. Relationships are the results of your Affinity values.

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At the start of each run, every pair will have an Affinity value of 10, or neutral, and various decisions you make and events you encounter will cause these values to increase or decrease as you progress. There’s an Affinity value for every pairing, so three in total, and these exist along an axis from 0-20, with 0 being extremely negative and 20 being extremely positive. Affinity is the value that determines the nature of each pair of characters’ Relationship within your party. Before we delve any deeper into the system, it’s best that we define the terms associated with it first.

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